
War thunder vs world of tanks meme
War thunder vs world of tanks meme

war thunder vs world of tanks meme

One shotting does make a big difference in gameplay and can be highly infuriating when you're on a losing streak. Just remember the steep learning curve which you seem to be cautious of already. Judging by your last paragraph, I believe you will fit right in this community. War Gaming has gone out of their way to introduce very unrealistic mechanisms for the purpose of game balancing that makes me curse every time I am hit with it. I'm sure one shots makes a huge difference in game play. WoT does not feel arcady to me, but I've not played WT. In that kind of a battle, how many players are there per team?

#War thunder vs world of tanks meme free#

My guess it's like having a bunch of free agents doing their own things. I'm just imagining if the teams are split between tanks, ships, and aircraft.

war thunder vs world of tanks meme

I'm in a clan for the monetary advantage, but as far as I know, we don't do clan battles. Keep in mind, I exclusively play Random Battles.

war thunder vs world of tanks meme

It's hard enough to get a team of tanks or ships acting in coordinated effort. Being one-shot is absolutely a thing, and is in my opinion what sets it apart - you will learn, over time, where certain tanks are weakest and where they are strongest so you can angle your tank to maximize armour efficiency and aim for where you know they store their ammo/fuel/gunner. So if you end up gravitating towards sniping with a Tank Destroyer, you might choose big open maps, or if (like me) you are a man of culture and like Initial D deja-vu'ing through crowded city streets in a Puma you might choose small, urban maps. The maps are quite large so there is often a lot of driving, but once you learn which maps you don't like, you can customize your matchmaking system in order to rule out the maps you don't like/are too big for your tastes. The tanks have a good feeling of weight to them, and the devs have done a genuinely good job of making light tanks feel small and peppy, while huge heavy Konigtigers feel like you're driving a two-story house with a gun on it. "WT tanks are cumbersome, drive a long way, easy to get one-shot". If you mean organized TEAMWORK, then in your average game no, you won't, unless you brought your own squad with you. I'm not sure what that margin is, but you won't see an Apache helicopter strafing WW2 panzers outside of custom battles. Every vehicle has a Battle Rating or BR, and BRs are matched against each other within a certain margin. WoT's health bars make the game feel childish, slow and stupid to me. โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Electric Wizard:I absolutely hate WT's monetization and a large percentage of its playerbase, but its ballistics/penetration modeling is the best in the world.

war thunder vs world of tanks meme

Now yes, this is a tank thread, but War Gaming uses the same tier philosophy for both it's ship and tank games. When they see a low tier ship, everyone wants to kill it. As a tier 7 in a 9 or tier 8 in a 10, you are at a distinct disadvantage, but you can navigate this by staying on the fringes of the battles. The tier levels especially in World of Warships is especially annoying, yet I prefer that to one shot kills. As a casual player, this a non-starter for me. There is a ship build going on right now and they are kind enough to let you buy this so-so ship for $140 over a period of 20 phases, that is if you are not working your butt off earning it. One of the jokes I fell for once was build a ship for free, ha ha. WoT has monetization big time, however you can get by with just buying vehicle slots, camo, and captain slots.

War thunder vs world of tanks meme